Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Explaining Our Filming: 1st draft

We have now shot a a music promo video of the band that we have chosen. The song we chose too use was 'Henry the Hoover' which is quite a short clip yet we were able to branch out the music video. As this was our first video filmed, we looked at the final things we filmed and our group realised the video was not up too strach. It was our first try at really attempting too film a promo music video, yet it didn't look professional and if we were too publish it, it wouldn't off been too the best of our ability.

The advantages of our first time filming is that we have now understood what we have too do next time ot make it better. We will take all the elements out which we think is good in the first draft and then encorperate them into our final video. These things are: locations, timing, lighting (artifical/natural) use of props and content. All these things we will bring forward and really analyse what went well.

However the disadvantages of doing this is that we have used up quite of bit of time on this first promo video which has left us quite short of time for us too complete our final piece. As well, we have now decided too change tracks too 'Stalker.' This has now changed the structure of the timing of our first ential music video. Meaning we will have too change the arrangement of how to conduct our next promo video.

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