Monday, 19 March 2012

Final Music Video: The Richard Heads - Stalker

Screen Shots of Editing

Final Magazine Cover

Final Front Cover

Final Back CD Cover

This is my final idea of a back cover for my digipak. I had taken into account my first idea and though that I would change from the punk/rock writing and put it into a more simple and easy way of reading the song titles. As well as changing the colour so it doesn't just follow the background but now it relates to the clown mask found in the middle of the back cover. I also looked at many other back covers of CD's and I found that on pretty much all of them, they advertised the website of the band and the email address of the band. This shows that would ever buys the CD will be able too carry on either seeing what the band is doing next or when either they are on tour or another album is coming out.

1st Draft of Back Cover

I also thought it would be a good idea not just too make a CD front cover for my digipak, but too also make a back cover too really see what making a digipak is like. I have followed the same style as the front covers I have made: black and white back ground, edited clown mask and the punk/rock writing for the song titles. I thought it would be better if I didn't have numbers before the song titles because it would be too close together and it gives it something different than all the CD covers that are published today. I also changed too have the barcode on the back where it is usually placed.

3rd Draft

This is my 3rd attempt of trying too create a CD cover for my digipak. Again, I have changed the image because I wanted too see how the layout and different mix up of how too place and create things on the front would work. I have kept the same style of black and white back ground and the separated clown mask which has been edited too stand out more. That is going too be one of the things that I will definitely use for my final piece. I have now also included common elements you will find on CD cover which are the record company which published the album. And in this case, seeing as I have looked into the punk/rock genre and they are renowned for causing trouble or offensive elements, I have incorporated a 'parental advisory' label which says that this CD cover my have explicit content. These new parts too my CD cover will also been used on my final piece/

2nd Draft

This is my 2nd attempt of trying too create a CD cover for my digipak. I have chosen a completely different image from my first one because I thought that might help other elements such as placement of the title, album name or any other extras I place on the front cover e.g the barcode which I have now introduced. However, I don't really think it work's because normally the barcode is on the back of the CD cover so I will keep that in my for future attempts. Though, I really do much prefer the title and album name which has seen a different front be chosen and been placed at the top of the cover not the bottom. This now makes it feel that the album and band name are now the main focus points instead of the image, which itself is much more creative and much more suited too the punk/rock genre. However, I still think my piece could do with improvements.

1st Draft

This is my first attempt of trying too create a CD cover for my digipak. The style of this cover has followed the house style throughout all my final pieces e.g the clown mask. Within this image the things I really liked was the black and white of everything apart from the main element which is the clown mask. I separated that form everything else and increased the brightness, contrast and changed the curves (which is a way too create more effective colours.) However the things that I thought needed improvements was clearly the album name and the band name. It does work well with the general style, although it is quite hard too read and isn't very exciting. For a 1st attempt of a CD cover I thought this was a good try. Though I don't think the whole of it really captures the punk/rock genre which I have tried too go for. So I will take some influences from this and try and create a better, final piece.